Catalyst Healthcare Marketing

Using Texting for Healthcare Marketing

Texting for healthcare marketing can improve patient retention

Texting for healthcare marketing can improve patient retentionThere are more digital marketing tools available than ever before, and texting is one that you might not be (but should be) using. Texting for healthcare marketing is a great way to connect with your existing patient population and help them stay happy patients of your practice.

Members of the millennial and Gen Z groups aren’t big fans of phone calls, so you can get in front of them by sending a friendly and helpful text. It feels less stressful and invasive to patients in these age groups, which means they’re more likely to engage with your practice and your message.

Read on to learn some tips to help you get started with HIPAA-compliant texting for healthcare marketing.

The right way to handle texting for healthcare marketing

You want to stay on the right side of HIPAA, so it’s important that you use a HIPAA-compliant texting platform and stick to sending text messages pertaining to your patients’ appointments and care.

For example, you can send texts to your patients to encourage them to schedule an appointment or reach out to see if they have questions about taking the next step with their treatment plan.

In addition to keeping things on the up and up in the world of HIPAA, you’ll also want to follow these tips for texting patients.

Only send relevant messages. Patients will start to ignore your texts if you send ones that don’t pertain to them. You should carefully tailor your message to the patients who need to hear it.

Keep it short and sweet. No one wants to read a long, rambling text, so strive to keep your text messages to patients concise. You’ll also want to use URL shortening services when including links so that you don’t send a massive list of numbers and letters.

Have a clear call to action. When texting for healthcare marketing, you want to make sure your patients know what you want them to do. So, clearly tell them whether you want them to make an appointment or follow up with your team about their care.

Trust Catalyst to help your practice with texting

Has reading all this made you realize that you need to implement texting for healthcare marketing but you don’t have the time to do it? If so, Catalyst Healthcare Marketing has got your back. Our team of experts can help you start up and run HIPAA-compliant texting so that you can keep your practice thriving. Contact us to learn more.

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