Successful fundraising and partnership development requires demonstrating the value and impact of your practice.
Today’s pharmaceutical companies are largely restricted to those causes that will stand up to the regulations of PHARMA and those offices that are willing to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. We can help you uncover, reach out, and secure funds for your outreach programs all while watching the regulation driven details.
Corporate Solicitations
Whether it is event sponsorship or grant dollars you seek, securing corporate investment should be an important part of your marketing process. Catalyst will help develop the relationships that you already have and find new ones to open doors to new possibilities.
- Sponsored in-office education programs
- Community Awareness Grants
- Grant Writing and Submission for Educational Grants
A good grant writer knows that a large measure of your success is not in the writing itself, but rather in the planning and research. We can do the research on funders, outline your grant proposal, as well as write and submit it for you.